HI again!
About the task:
Two years ago, my grandfather gifted to me the best of the world: A mp3 player. I was in the school, my last year, and he gave it to me because of this.
The mp3 player system is really interesting. It is a little electronic thing, that let you listen to music. How? From your pc, you can download some music (documents and other things too) and transfer it to your mp3 player with the help of an usb cable or directly from the cpu of your pc. You need a couple of batteries, and you are ready to hear your favorite music!
In spite of it have just 1gb of memory, i feel i already discover how amazing music is. Until now, i go everywhere with it, specially when i go in the bus to the University, or when i'm using the computer on my room, when i go for something to the supermarket... the mp3 player use is unlimited!
So, you can deduce that i use it when i have the chance of it. Lately, i has change the mp3 for a book in the bus (homeworks are first).. but i hope come back to its glorious hours (like in the summer!)
In spite of mp3 is great, i think that i can live with out it. I mean, if i lose it, i will be really bored some days, maybe my mood change a little.... It will be complicated, but the worst thing i can't lose is the music. With out it, world could be in troubles.