In spite of is difficult decided just one person, i think that Jaime Williams Benavente must have this place on my blog.
Jaime Williams is a lawyer of PUC (1966) and he teach Introduction to Law in our University, besides philosophy too.
I pick him because i think the have a great knowlegde about juridic system of Chile. I read sometime ago a book he wrote that talk about Law. On it he explane of a really easy way all i should know like "mechona". Besides, he can be able of explane the doctrines completelly oppossite and makes us (to the readers) choose a option without problem, because he is a objetive writter.
Another think i want to make note is that he teach really well, something that inspire you when you're in summer school and have to decide the university you gonna study next 5 years of your life.
The is dedicated to teach in others universities the same topics that he teach in here. Few teachers don't do that.
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