Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I have four pets right now! They are two puppies and two female dogs. The first one, and my favorite is Almendra, and i have her since one and a half year ago. The second one is Lulu, and she is in my familyu since the summer of this year. The puppies are called Hansel and Gretel (like Grimms brothers stories). The puppies were born four months ago, and are of Almendra.
I think that people keep pets because they are a good company, in fact, some people think that they even are loyal (sometimes more that people).
Dogs are good pets, and cats too. I prefer dogs because they are more loving and friendly.
About the idea of that pets owners live longer, i think that is possible but not sure. I mean, when people have any pet they don't feel to alone sometimes, and pets don't need nothing else that eat and love. Pets aren't complicated, and they are lovely!. Besides, the reason to have pets is that you'll enjoy with them, so if anytime you doesn't have it you shouldn't keep with a pet.
A important point is that to have pets you have to be prepared to take care of them, because they are living, and they suffer just like an human been.
The new i choose for this task was called "Oklahoma abortion law to put patients' details online". It appears in The Guardian, on october 18.
The new is about a new abotion law that gonna rule on the state of Oklahoma, USA. The new law says that all women that want to abort in that state, have to give private information to the doctor about herself.
Woman have to bring information about their age, marital status and education levels, as well as the number of previous pregnancies and abortions. Moreover, women have to talk about their relationship with the father, the reason to do an abort, and the place where it is realized. They never give their names to the doctor, but in the state of Oklahoma there's a small population, so is easy find out who is who.
Then that woman give this information, the doctor is obligated to give the information to the Oklahoma Health Department. This department post this information in a public website.
The sponsor of that lawis the Republican state senator Todd Lamb. He said that the have to give inform to women, because that baby could possible be a Nobel Prize when he/she grown up.
There's groups that support the abort, and they say that it's an unusual law, and it's gonna makes that women will be still more nervious about aborts in Oklahoma, specially because the information is important and publish since now.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The statue of John Paul II in Bellavista.
I'm against the proyect. I'm against the statue because i think that is too big for a little space like that, and will look grotesque. Besides, i think that the statue won't be a contribution to the square, because we already have the new building of Universidad San Sebastian, that makes look horrible to the neighborhood. I think that USS building is an imitation to our building, did you notice it? The roof is red like our, and the wall makes feel the same.
In other way, i think that the statue is a waste of money. It coste $400 millions! it is enough money to impulse usefull ideas, relevant proyects.
The university that pays the pope statue is the same one that imitate our building. USS is completaly catholic, you just need pay attention to the name. Our university is known like secular. The instalation of this statue in from of our university seems a incitiment to our bealieves. In a general way, no all the country is catholic, so put the biggest statue of the world that has been ever dedicated to the pope in a public place isn't pluralistic.
For all the reason i gave, if i was the mayor of Recoleta i surely said NO! The neighborhood isn't agree with the proyect any way. I think that the statue don't bring something for the neighborhood by itself. I think that on this square should exist a place to the family, neutral ideologically speaking.
I'm not against the pope figure, his work like pope or something like that., but i think that put a giant statue like that is a crime to the urban city.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Transantiago: Before and after.
Transantiago is better because you can do the next combination paying once: three busses plus subway once or four busses. You just must take all of them in two hours. However, when you use the new public transport sometimes you have to take two busses for arrive to somewhere. In my case, i have to take two busses everyday to come, and then two busses to come back at home. Sometimes it makes me feel more tired because i have to wait more time that before, just because i have to wait twice.
The drivers now are more polite, because they have a contract that they have to accept and respect. Now the owners of the busses aren't they like before.
The main chance i could make for make better the system is improve the frequence of the busses and the quantity of them in the streets on pick hours. The people at the end of the day is already tired of their jobs and study places, so come back at home is the last thing they want to lead with.
A country i'd like to visit
About this new task, i have no doubts about the country: England.
First of all, i choose this country because i think is the most cosmopolitan country of Europe, and maybe of all the world. I think that the capital of England, London, is a great city because have a big size and on it there's millions of different people, that come from Europe, America, and other continents for different reasons. Some of them travel to England becuase they are looking for a job, other people go to studying in colleges of important level, like Cambrigde or Oxford. Other people are turists that want to know this country because have known futball teams or because in England has born important music bands, some of them are almost miticals, like The Beatles.
In my case, i want to visit England because i think that this country is really rich in cultural topics and have the best schools of the world. I has always want to visit the Stonehenge, a prehistorical monument that consist on several stones stand by their own in the middle of a green landscape, in the south of the island. Maybe this is the first thing i knew about England, and since then i has want to visit this beautiful country. Besides, my favorites music bands are from Teingmouth, Denvon and from Basildon, Essex.
I want to study in Oxford or Cambrigde to continue learning law in a different culture, and can compare the society. About living there, i think i could live there for some years but not all my life because i love Chile and i want to meet all countries that i can.
If i go there is because i think that the main way to meet want we perciebed like interesting is going there, have a lot of experiences and enjoy all the chances we have actually to travel around the world.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The best in my area.

Sir Ken Robinson talk
Basically, he talk to us that schools kill creativity. For example, the society always gonna prefer a profesional compare with an artist. So, all activities that kids learn in school are related with university, like the future all of them should follow any day. Of course, Robinson said that university and traditional career aren't the only way of life: being painter, dancer, writter however don't represent a good choice for the person and for the society, actually.
The public education system produce people without hability for think behind the world shows. Students just are able of memorice and get just the necessary to live, they don't produce something else that static knowlegde.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Orange Sky.

You can see the sky. I took it some months ago, from the window of my bedroom. Was autumn still, was an afternoon, and i saw through my window. I usually look for interesting objects and landscapes and photographed. In fact, yesterday i saw the moon (it looks really beautiful) but i wasn't with the camera. I don't need a special reason, but lately i has feel more connect with photography, because this activity help me to be quiet in spite of i'm full of tasks.
I choose this picture from a old fotolog i created two years ago. I like it because it have awesome colors, looks very real, and it makes me feel i can do everything i want, even something seems difficult. The nature give us all we need, we have to enjoy it. The colors are usual to these time of a day. The sun was coming down and the clouds were moving slowly. To take a photography like that you just need see around you, because i'm amateur but i think is a good one.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My dear career...
Another reason to choose Law is that i can get a job in interesting areas, from gubernment job to NGO. About that, i can say that my career can contribute as much as areas exist: Lawyer can help in a company, an organization, a court, parlament, etc. I think that in legal issues always will be a winner and will be a looser, so sometimes could be difficult help to all the society like a unit, at least you work in a international area and when you talk about society you mean your own country.
So, lawyer need special tools to development their job, and can win the bussiness they are defending. One of this tools, maybe the main, is "The gift of the word". Since Ciceron's epoque, and before, lawyers need a good vocabulary to convence with their words.
Other one is get a mayor grade. In this career you need be renovating your knowlegde everytime as everytime appears news laws in the Official Newspaper. So, you have to do some kind of Master in a special area of Laws, for example.
Coming back to my days in the university, my favorite subject actually is called "introduction to Law". In this subject we start with the main legal concepts that everybody should ,at last, hear. Public Law or Private Law, Person, Law theory.
Friday, May 1, 2009
JurisLex and La Tercera
I found this website cause a friend talk to me about it. I didn't need a special website, but when i saw it i change of mind. You can find a lot of legal papers and books you ussually needs when you are studying laws. For example, i found "La Teoría Pura del Derecho", written by Hans Kelsen, an important guy that is development in our legal sistem, in Chile. In fact, i have it!
Besides, this websited provides you links that you could need anyday.
However, i have to say i don't visit this website usually, cause i don't need it, just like i said some phrases ago. But, when i'm looking for a book that i need download, Jurislex is my first choice.
My second website i want to show you is Latercera.com.
Since a couple of years, my dad is subscriber of this newspaper. Every weekends i guy bring at home the newspaper. So, i always read it. However, i haven't the newspaper others days of the week so i started reading from my computer. Since then, i read everyday this newspaper. About the conexion that we can find between this websited and my career, i can say that LaTercera have a lot of opinion from all kind of political ideas, and give a lot of space to the discussion. We can find a section called: Education. This one is really interesting because show investigation and opinion. We can find a Cultural Section too. In Editorial and next pages we find opinion of different people always. So, this website give me tools for understand what is going on in Chile and the world, with different points of view.
I has show you my favorites websites, i see you!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My favorite piece of technology.-

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Well, my name is written in the last phrase :)
I'm from Maipù, and i'm 19 years old. Is my first month in the best law school of Chile.
Until last minutes, my life in the university has been really great, cause i has meet a lot of cool people since my first day in here, mainly when i went to the Mechones meeting.
I have two brothers (Ignacio and Jorge) and a sister(Marcela), all of them are younger than me, so is so nice! jaajja. Also i have two pets, called Almendra and Lulù ( I think that names aren't original at all, but...we have no imagination)
I love english idiom...this is the reason to be in the course. Until a couple of years i thought study something relationed with english, cause everything in my mind was in english.. so hard hit inside of me the idiom. Now, i'm very happy studying law, and like i got the chance of study and practice english at same time, can you imaginate how great it is?
Besides english idiom, i like trip around Santiago with friends. We usually go to Lastarria neighborhood to take ice cream and talk about..life! Walk through Providencia, New York street and anywhere we don't know. Also, i like listen to music and see films.
There is nothing that really i dislike, cause it depend of my mood.
I don't know what else write... for more information talk to me! Is so much better.